Speaker Listing 6

Director de Postgrado, Facultad de Ciencias UASD
Especialista en Gerencia de Negocios Internacionales
Licenciado en Mercadeo
Ceo & Founder
Gloria Inc.
Discover insights with Roberto Berry, renowned speaker in the events industry. Join us at Eventchamp for an unforgettable experience.
Ceo & Founder
Gloria Inc.
Join us as we welcome Saul R. Lopez, the visionary speaker sharing insights on success & leadership. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity at Eventchamp!
Gloria Inc.
Looking for an engaging speaker? Check out Thomas Childers! He's sure to captivate your audience with his thought-provoking insights and dynamic speaking style.
Javier Ventura
Soy una mujer apasionada, carismática, amorosa y Segura de si misma y es lo que deseo proyectar en 🎵